
(PHP 5 >= 5.2.11, PHP 7)

libxml_disable_entity_loaderDisable the ability to load external entities


libxml_disable_entity_loader ([ bool $disable = TRUE ] ) : bool

Disable/enable the ability to load external entities.



Disable (TRUE) or enable (FALSE) libxml extensions (such as DOM, XMLWriter and XMLReader) to load external entities.


Returns the previous value.


User Contributed Notes

vavra at 602 dot cz 04-Jan-2018 09:48
If is called

, it causes that new SoapClient(.) fails with

SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'D:\path/dm_operations.wsdl' : failed to load external entity "D:\path/dm_operations.wsdl

because this wsdl imports a xsd as an another external file.
Tested on php 7.1.12, win x64.
brendan at bloodbone dot ws 25-Mar-2014 10:23
This also seems to have an impact on <xsl:import /> statements if this is applied when loading XSLT for the XSLTProcessor class.
phofstetter at sensational dot ch 27-Jan-2014 04:36
Be mindful that this also disables url loading in simplexml_load_file() and likely other libxml based functions that deal with URLs
daschtour at me dot com 25-Dec-2013 11:56
This function was reported to be not thread safe. So this might affect php-scripts on the same server.
simonsimcity 29-Feb-2012 06:23
Using this function you can prevent a vulnerable to Local and Remote File Inclusion attacks.

You'll see it in an example where I load and validate the following string:

<!DOCTYPE scan [<!ENTITY test SYSTEM "php://filter/read=convert.base64-encode/resource=/etc/passwd">]>

One way to prevent that the file in given back is to set this value to 0.
Please take a closer look at the release of symfony 2.0.11