
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

posix_getuidReturn the real user ID of the current process


posix_getuid ( void ) : int

Return the numeric real user ID of the current process.


Returns the user id, as an integer


Example #1 Example use of posix_getuid()

echo posix_getuid(); //10000


  • posix_getpwuid() - Return info about a user by user id
  • POSIX man page GETUID(2)

User Contributed Notes

StanE 17-Jan-2016 05:51
None of the posix_* functions are available under Windows, since Windows is not POSIX compliant. But there seems to be / was an optional software package available, see here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_POSIX_subsystem
chris at ocportal dot com 30-Nov-2008 06:35
Note that this function is not defined on Windows PHP.