
(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)

stream_set_timeoutSet timeout period on a stream


stream_set_timeout ( resource $stream , int $seconds [, int $microseconds = 0 ] ) : bool

Sets the timeout value on stream, expressed in the sum of seconds and microseconds.

When the stream times out, the 'timed_out' key of the array returned by stream_get_meta_data() is set to TRUE, although no error/warning is generated.



The target stream.


The seconds part of the timeout to be set.


The microseconds part of the timeout to be set.


成功时返回 TRUE, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE


Example #1 stream_set_timeout() example

if (!
$fp) {
"Unable to open\n";
} else {

fwrite($fp"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
$res fread($fp2000);

$info stream_get_meta_data($fp);

    if (
$info['timed_out']) {
'Connection timed out!';
    } else {




This function doesn't work with advanced operations like stream_socket_recvfrom(), use stream_select() with timeout parameter instead.

This function was previously called as set_socket_timeout() and later socket_set_timeout() but this usage is deprecated.


  • fsockopen() - 打开一个网络连接或者一个Unix套接字连接
  • fopen() - 打开文件或者 URL

User Contributed Notes

burninleo at gmx dot net 10-Jan-2016 01:15
If the timeout fails, because the server remains completely silent, one may have to add stream_select() to make the timeout work. This may be much more efficient that a non-blocking reading operation.

($c, $timeout);
$data = '';
$stR = array($this->smtp_conn);
$stW = null;
while (
is_resource($c) && !feof($c)) {
    if (!
stream_select($stR, $stW, $stW, $timeout)) {
$str = fgets($c, 515);
$data.= $str;

// Handling of "traditional" timeout
$info = stream_get_meta_data($c);
     if (
$info['timed_out']) {

Background: We had issues with a SMTP server that was addresses unencrypted while expecting TLS encryption. The stream_set_timeout() alone did not work as expected and the script hung for an hour or more.
burninleo at gmx dot net 09-Jan-2016 11:06
Another note alread states that blocking-reads may be an issue, if the counterpart responds very slowly - or not at all. The stream timeout may not work as expected in such a situation.

However, provides very little information on how to use non-blocking reading operations. Here's a code sample:

($c, $timeout);
$data = '';
        while (
is_resource($c) && !feof($c)) {
// Use non-blocking reading for first loop
if (($data === '') and ($timeout > 0)) {
stream_set_blocking($c, false);
$endtimeOut = time() + $timeout;
$str = '';
                while ((
time() < $endtimeOut) and (strlen($str) < 515) and !feof($c)) {
sleep(1);  // Note: This may require tuning
$str.= fgets($c, 515);
// Handling first-read timeout
if (time() >= $endtimeOut) {
trigger_error('Timeout', E_USER_WARNING);
stream_set_blocking($c, true);
            } else {
$str = fgets($c, 515);
$data.= $str;

// Handling of "traditional" timeout
$info = stream_get_meta_data($c);
            if (
$info['timed_out']) {
trigger_error('Timeout', E_USER_WARNING);
jack.whoami 27-May-2014 08:25
Just in case someone stumbles into my situation... I was trying to get the microseconds part to work and it just wasn't working as expected.

Assuming blocking mode is true and I use

<?php stream_set_timeout($s, 1, 0);?>

I get a 1s delay as expected. However when I do

<?php stream_set_timeout($s, 0, 500);?>

I expect a 500microsecond delay but I get no delays at all. However when i do this

<?php stream_set_timeout($s, 0, 500000);?>

I get a 500 microsecond delay which is what I was expecting
emailfire at gmail dot com 18-May-2011 01:28
This function seems to have no effect when running as a CLI script, see
hamishcool3 at yahoo dot co dot uk 29-Oct-2010 09:29
In case anyone is puzzled, stream_set_timeout DOES NOT work for sockets created with socket_create or socket_accept. Use socket_set_option instead.

Instead of:

($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, array('sec'=>$sec, 'usec'=>$usec));
socket_set_option($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, array('sec'=>$sec, 'usec'=>$usec));
mildly dull at terriblyclever dot com 29-Nov-2009 05:53
I didn't have much luck with the suggestions below (although I likely applied them wrong).
Instead, I used stream_context_create() and set an http option for timeout. I fed that context into file_get_contents() and voila!

To my desperate friend below: the https transport can also use the http stream context options. I haven't verified this works as I don't have a slow responding ssl to test on. But if you are still stressing, give the below a shot (you may need to modify a bit...)

= 5*60;
$options = array(
'header'=>"Accept-language: en\r\n",
'timeout' => $timeout
$context = stream_context_create($options);
$contents = file_get_contents($source, false, $context);

Yes...that is a 5 minute timeout.
Martin Butt - martin at 12-Mar-2007 09:39
Here is a working example for loops:

// Timeout in seconds
$timeout = 5;

$fp = fsockopen("", 80, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);

if (
$fp) {
fwrite($fp, "GET /file.php HTTP/1.0\r\n");
fwrite($fp, "Host:\r\n");
fwrite($fp, "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n");

stream_set_blocking($fp, TRUE);
$info = stream_get_meta_data($fp);

        while ((!
feof($fp)) && (!$info['timed_out'])) {
$data .= fgets($fp, 4096);
$info = stream_get_meta_data($fp);

        if (
$info['timed_out']) {
"Connection Timed Out!";
        } else {
Dianoga (dianoga7 [at] 20-Nov-2006 06:33
I have found that in order to actually stop the socket from timing out the script, you must call stream_get_meta_data and check for a timeout within the loop reading from the socket.


= fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
"Unable to get server status";
$out = "GET /server.php HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$out .= "Host: $host\r\n";
$out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";

fwrite($sock, $out);

stream_set_blocking($fp, FALSE );
stream_set_timeout($sock, $timeout);
$info = stream_get_meta_data($sock);

    while (!
feof($sock) && !$info['timed_out']) {
$file .= fgets($sock, 4096);
$info = stream_get_meta_data($sock);

alfi_ at yahoo dot com 01-Aug-2006 08:10
If you are using fsockopen() to create a connection, first going to write into the stream and then waiting for the reply (e.g. simulating HTTP request with some extra headers), then stream_set_timeout() must be set only after the write - if it is before write, it has no effect on the read timeout :-(
Noticed at least on PHP/4.3.10
rtfm61 at yandex dot ru 25-Feb-2006 02:41
stream_set_timeout() is not suitable for such files as UNIX-devices (/dev/...), i suggest to use select() instead with desirable timeout value - that works well.
ridera 17-Feb-2005 05:37
I have found it required to add

"stream_set_blocking($fp, FALSE )"

prior to any fgets(), fread(), etc. to prevent the code from hanging up when remote files are called and the response is slow.