
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

unserialize 从已存储的表示中创建 PHP 的值


unserialize ( string $str ) : mixed

unserialize() 对单一的已序列化的变量进行操作,将其转换回 PHP 的值。




若被解序列化的变量是一个对象,在成功地重新构造对象之后,PHP 会自动地试图去调用 __wakeup() 成员函数(如果存在的话)。

Note: unserialize_callback_func 指令

如果在解序列化的时候需要实例化一个未定义类,则可以设置回调函数以供调用(以免得到的是不完整的 object "__PHP_Incomplete_Class")。可通过 php.iniini_set().htaccess 定义'unserialize_callback_func'。每次实例化一个未定义类时它都会被调用。若要禁止这个特性,只需置空此设定。


返回的是转换之后的值,可为 integerfloatstringarrayobject

如果传递的字符串不可解序列化,则返回 FALSE,并产生一个 E_NOTICE


版本 说明
4.2.0 添加了 unserialize_callback_func 指令。


Example #1 unserialize() 例子

// 这里,我们使用 unserialize() 装载来自数据库的 $session_data 数组中的会话数据。
// 此例是描述 serialize() 的那个例子的补充。

$conn odbc_connect("webdb""php""chicken");
$stmt odbc_prepare($conn"SELECT data FROM sessions WHERE id = ?");
$sqldata = array($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']);
if (!
odbc_execute($stmt$sqldata) || !odbc_fetch_into($stmt$tmp)) {
// 如果执行出错或返回错误,则初始化为空数组
$session_data = array();
} else {
// 现在我们需要的是 $tmp[0] 中已序列化的数据。
$session_data unserialize($tmp[0]);
    if (!
is_array($session_data)) {
// 出错,初始化为空数组
$session_data = array();

Example #2 unserialize_callback_func 例子


// unserialize_callback_func 从 PHP 4.2.0 起可用
ini_set('unserialize_callback_func''mycallback'); // 设置您的回调函数

function mycallback($classname
// 只需包含含有类定义的文件
   // $classname 指出需要的是哪一个类



如果反序列化了 FALSE 的值,或者在过程中发生了错误,都会返回 FALSE。 可以通过 strserialize(false) 进行比较,或者捕捉 E_NOTICE 错误来判断这种特殊情况。


User Contributed Notes

hadley8899 at gmail dot com 13-Jan-2020 01:58
For the people who are getting the error

PHP Notice:  unserialize(): Error at offset 191 of 285 bytes in ...

and are getting the data from a database, Make sure that you have the database set the the correct encoding, I had the database set as latin1_swedish_ci and all of the data looked perfect, Infact when i copied it into a online unserialize it worked fine. I changed the collation to utf8mb4_unicode_ci and all worked fine.
Anonymous 11-Mar-2019 06:36
If serialize() is the answer, you're almost certainly asking the wrong question.

JSON is widely available. The only thing it does not do, is the very thing that makes serialization immensely dangerous. All it takes is a crafty hacker to pass a crafted payload to a supposedly 'secured' serialize call, for a database driver to be overwritten with malicious code, for example.

Recreate the object. Normally. With actual data, and a source file, not with serialize. To do otherwise is laziness bordering on malice.
me+phpnet at unreal4u dot com 30-Oct-2017 03:30
Just some reminder which may save somebody some time regarding the `$options` array:

Say you want to be on the safe side and not allow any objects to be unserialized... My first thought was doing the following:

= unserialize($string, false);
// This will generate:
// Warning: unserialize() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given

The correct way of doing this is the following:
= unserialize($string, ['allowed_classes' => false]);

Hope it helps somebody!
bjd 02-Jan-2017 12:49
Talk on Exploiting PHP7 Unserialize here: https://media.ccc.de/v/33c3-7858-exploiting_php7_unserialize
m.m.j.kronenburg 06-Sep-2016 09:52
You can use the following code to use the php 7 unserialize function in php 5.3 and upwards. This adds the $option argument.



 * PHP 7 unserialize function for PHP 5.3 upwards.
 * Added the $option argument (allowed_classes).
 * See php unserialize manual for more detail.
function php7_unserialize($str, $options = array())
version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.0.0', '>='))
  { return
unserialize($str, $options); }

$allowed_classes = isset($options['allowed_classes']) ?
$options['allowed_classes'] : true;
is_array($allowed_classes) || !$allowed_classes)
$str = preg_replace_callback(
$matches) use ($allowed_classes)
is_array($allowed_classes) &&
in_array($matches[2], $allowed_classes))
        { return
$matches[0]; }
$matches[3] + 1).

// namespace

namespace my_name_space
   * Use the new php7 unserialize in your namespace without
   * renaming all unserialize(...) function calls to
   * php7_unserialize(...).
function unserialize($str, $options = array())
  { return
php7_unserialize($str, $options); }

chris at pollett dot org 02-Jul-2015 03:28
When you serialize an object of a class from a particular namespace, the namespace is recorded as part of the serialization. If you decide to change this namespace's name, it can be hard to read in old serialized objects. I.e., suppose you had serialized an object of type foo\A, you change the namespace of your project to goo but otherwise leave the class definition of A unchanged. You would like to be able to unserialize the object as goo\A, instead unserialization will only create a partial object. To fix this in the case where you don't have nested objects in your class definition, you can use the following simple rename function:
 * Used to change the namespace of a serialized php object (assumes doesn't
 * have nested subobjects)
 * @param string $class_name new fully qualified name with namespace
 * @param string $object_string serialized object
 * @return string serialized object with new name
function renameSerializedObject($class_name, $object_string)
    /*  number of digits in the length of name of the object needs to be
        less than 12 digits (probably more like 4) for this to work.
    $name_length = intval(substr($object_string, 2, 14));
    $name_space_info_length = strlen("O:".$name_length.":") +
        $name_length + 2; // 2 for quotes;
    $object_string = 'O:' .
        strlen($class_name) . ':"'. $class_name.'"' .
        substr($object_string, $name_space_info_length);
    return $object_string;
ErnestV 03-Aug-2013 01:05
Just a note - if the serialized string contains a reference to a class that cannot be instantiated (e.g. being abstract) PHP will immediately die with a fatal error. If the unserialize() statement is preceded with a '@' to avoid cluttering the logs with warns or notices there will be absolutely no clue as to why the script stopped working. Cost me a couple of hours...
Ray.Paseur often uses Gmail 26-Jul-2013 01:41
In the Classes and Objects docs, there is this: In order to be able to unserialize() an object, the class of that object needs to be defined.

Prior to PHP 5.3, this was not an issue.  But after PHP 5.3 an object made by SimpleXML_Load_String() cannot be serialized.  An attempt to do so will result in a run-time failure, throwing an exception.  If you store such an object in $_SESSION, you will get a post-execution error that says this:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Serialization of 'SimpleXMLElement' is not allowed' in [no active file]:0 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in [no active file] on line 0

The entire contents of the session will be lost.  Hope this saves someone some time!

<?php // RAY_temp_ser.php
$_SESSION['hello'] = 'World';

$xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <child index="1" value="Category 1">Child One</child>

$obj = SimpleXML_Load_String($xml);

$_SESSION['obj'] = $obj;
suman dot jis at gmail dot com 13-Mar-2012 09:12
I was getting unserialize()  Error at offset error.

If you face similar problem  then use the following procedure

$auctionDetails = preg_replace('!s:(\d+):"(.*?)";!se', "'s:'.strlen('$2').':\"$2\";'", $dataArr[$i]['auction_details'] );
$auctionDetails = unserialize($auctionDetails);
walf 22-Aug-2011 08:22
a replacement for unserialize that returns whether it worked and populates the unserialized variable by reference:
function funserialize($serialized, &$into) {
    if (
$sfalse === null)
$sfalse = serialize(false);
$into = @unserialize($serialized);
$into !== false || rtrim($serialized) === $sfalse;//whitespace at end of serialized var is ignored by PHP

$s_foo = 'b:0;';
var_dump(funserialize($s_foo, $foo), $foo);

$s_bar = 'bar';
var_dump(funserialize($s_bar, $bar), $bar);

$s_foo = 'a:0:{};';
var_dump(funserialize($s_foo, $foo), $foo);




array(0) {
MBa 02-Aug-2011 03:49
To check if a string is serialized:

chris at colourlovers dot com 16-Jun-2011 05:31
Anyone having trouble serializing data with SimpleXMLElement objects stored within it, check this out:

This will traverse $data looking for any children which are instances of SimpleXMLElement, and will run ->asXML() on them, turning them into a string and making them serializable. Other data will be left alone.

function exportNestedSimpleXML($data) {
    if (
is_scalar($data) === false) {
        foreach (
$data as $k => $v) {
            if (
$v instanceof SimpleXMLElement) {
$v = str_replace("&#13;","\r",$v->asXML());
            } else {
$v = exportNestedSimpleXML($v);

            if (
is_array($data)) {
$data[$k] = $v;
            } else if (
is_object($data)) {
$data->$k = $v;


$data = array (
"baz" => array (
"foo" => new stdClass(),
"int" => 123,
"str" => "asdf",
"bar" => new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><foo>bar</foo>'),

/*array(1) {
  array(4) {
    object(stdClass)#3 (0) {
    string(4) "asdf"
    object(SimpleXMLElement)#4 (1) {
      string(3) "bar"

/*array(1) {
  array(4) {
    object(stdClass)#3 (0) {
    string(4) "asdf"
    string(54) "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
daniel at fourstaples dot com 23-Mar-2010 08:46
Here's a simple function to get the class of a serialized string (that is, the type of object that will be returned if it's unserialized):

function get_serial_class($serial) {
$types = array('s' => 'string', 'a' => 'array', 'b' => 'bool', 'i' => 'int', 'd' => 'float', 'N;' => 'NULL');
$parts = explode(':', $serial, 4);
    return isset(
$types[$parts[0]]) ? $types[$parts[0]] : trim($parts[2], '"');

I use this when saving a serialized object to a cookie, to make sure it is the right type when I go to unserialize it.

The type names are the same format/case as you would see if you did a var_dump().
Fagzal 09-Mar-2010 10:10
To all who have problem with quoting and slashes when storing serialized data in MySQL: you are probably doing it wrong.

Use e.g. PDO with placeholders and the blob column type, and it will Just Work.
arbie samong 10-Sep-2009 07:42
__PHP_Incomplete_Class Object Demystified

1. First take note of the output. A simple example:

__PHP_Incomplete_Class Object (
[__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name] => SomeObject1
[obj1property1] => somevalue1 [obj1property2] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class Object ( [__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name] => SomeObject2 [obj2property1] => somevalue1 [obj2property2] => Array (
['key1'] => somevalue3, ['key2'] => somevalue4 ) ) )

2. We analyze this and break it down.
__PHP_Incomplete_Class Object tells you there is an object that needs to be declared somehow.
__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name simply tells you the expected class name. It is just one of the properties for now.

So we have:
a) an unknown object that has a class name SomeObject1 (first class)
b) it has 2 properties, namely obj1property1 and obj2property2
c) obj2property2 is itself an object whose class name is SomeObject2 (the second class)
d) SomeObject2 has two properties, obj2property1 and obj2property2
e) obj2property2 is an array that contains two elements

3. Now that we have an idea of the structure, we shall create class definitions based from it. We will just create properties for now, methods are not required as a minimum.

class SomeObject1 {
SomeObject2 {

4. Have that accessible to your script and it will solve the __PHP_Incomplete_Class Object problem as far as the output is concerned. Now you will have:

SomeObject1 ( [obj1property1] => somevalue1 [obj1property2] => SomeObject2 ( [obj2property1] => somevalue1 [obj2property2] => Array ( ['key1'] => somevalue3, ['key2'] => somevalue4 ) ) )

As you will notice, __PHP_Incomplete_Class Object is gone and replaced by the class name. The property __PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name is also removed.

5. As for the array property obj2property2, we can directly access that and just assume that it is an array and loop through it:


// this will be SomeObject1
$data = unserialize($serialized_data);

// this will be SomeObject2
$data2 = $data->obj1property2();

$data2->obj2property2 as $key => $value):
$key.' : '. $value .'<br>';


key1 : somevalue3
key2 : somevalue4

That's it. You can add more methods on the class declarations for the given properties, provided you keep your original output as basis for the data types.
w dot laurencine at teknoa dot net 07-Apr-2009 05:54
When dealing with a string which contain "\r", it seems that the length is not evaluated correctly. The following solves the problem for me :

// remove the \r caracters from the $unserialized string
$unserialized = str_replace("\r","",$unserialized);

// and then unserialize()
chris AT cmbuckley DOT co DOT uk 14-Aug-2008 06:47
As mentioned in the notes, unserialize returns false in the event of an error and for boolean false. Here is the first solution mentioned, without using error handling:

function isSerialized($str) {
    return (
$str == serialize(false) || @unserialize($str) !== false);

var_dump(isSerialized('s:6:"foobar";')); // bool(true)
var_dump(isSerialized('foobar'));        // bool(false)
var_dump(isSerialized('b:0;'));          // bool(true)
BenBE at omorphia dot de 02-Mar-2007 06:20
When trying to serialize or unserialize recursive arrays or otherwise linked data you might find the undocumented R data type quite useful.

If you want a array like the one produced with
$a = array();
$a[0] =& $a;
serialized you can store it using a string simular to this one:
$a = unserialize("a:1:{i:0;R:1;}");

Both sources will make $a hold an array that self-references itself in index 0.

The argument for R is the index of the created sub-variable of the serialize-string beginning with 1.
double at dumpit dot com 19-Dec-2006 05:09
This little function will check whether the serialized string is well formed.

PHP < 6 because i'd heard changes will be made in this php-intern function,
maybe it could be edited easy for it.


function wd_check_serialization( $string, &$errmsg )

$str = 's';
$array = 'a';
$integer = 'i';
$any = '[^}]*?';
$count = '\d+';
$content = '"(?:\\\";|.)*?";';
$open_tag = '\{';
$close_tag = '\}';
$parameter = "($str|$array|$integer|$any):($count)" . "(?:[:]($open_tag|$content)|[;])";           
$preg = "/$parameter|($close_tag)/";
    if( !
preg_match_all( $preg, $string, $matches ) )
$errmsg = 'not a serialized string';
$open_arrays = 0;
$matches[1] AS $key => $value )
        if( !empty(
$value ) && ( $value != $array xor $value != $str xor $value != $integer ) )
$errmsg = 'undefined datatype';
$value == $array )
$matches[3][$key] != '{' )
$errmsg = 'open tag expected';
$value == '' )
$matches[4][$key] != '}' )
$errmsg = 'close tag expected';
$value == $str )
$aVar = ltrim( $matches[3][$key], '"' );
$aVar = rtrim( $aVar, '";' );
strlen( $aVar ) != $matches[2][$key] )
$errmsg = 'stringlen for string not match';
$value == $integer )
            if( !empty(
$matches[3][$key] ) )
$errmsg = 'unexpected data';
            if( !
is_integer( (int)$matches[2][$key] ) )
$errmsg = 'integer expected';
$open_arrays != 0 )
$errmsg = 'wrong setted arrays';

Are Pedersen 09-Aug-2006 01:46
Be aware that if useing serialize/unserialize in a serverfarm with both 32bit and 64bit servers you can get unexpected results.

Ex: if you serialize an integer with value of 2147483648 on a 64bit system and then unserialize it on a 32bit system you will get the value -2147483648 instead. This is because an integer on 32bit cannot be above 2147483647 so it wraps.
Chris Hayes (chris at hypersites dot com) 23-Oct-2004 09:27
In reply to the earlier post about having to include object definitions *before* using unserialize.  There is a workaround for this.

When an object is serialized, the first bit of the string is actually the name of the class.  When an unknown object is unserialized, this is maintained as a property.  So if you serialize it again, you get back the exact same string as if you'd serialized the original object.  Basically, to cut to the point...

If you use

$_SESSION['my_object'] = unserialize(serialize($_SESSION['my_object']))

then you get back an object of the correct type, even if the session had originally loaded it as an object of type stdClass.
aderyn at nowhere dot tld 30-Oct-2003 10:02
A quick note:
If you store a serialized object in a session, you have to include the class _before_ you initialize (session_start()) the session.