

编译 PHP 时需要 --enable-fpm 配置选项来激活 FPM 支持。

以下为 FPM 编译的具体配置参数(全部为可选参数):

  • --with-fpm-user - 设置 FPM 运行的用户身份(默认 - nobody)

  • --with-fpm-group - 设置 FPM 运行时的用户组(默认 - nobody)

  • --with-fpm-systemd - 启用 systemd 集成 (默认 - no)

  • --with-fpm-acl - 使用POSIX 访问控制列表 (默认 - no) 5.6.5版本起有效

User Contributed Notes

jlim at juristech dot net 18-Nov-2013 07:56
If you get a compile/link error with WCOREDUMP undefined, then define the following in sapi/fpm/fpm/fpm_children.c.

This happened to me when running on AIX, which apparently does not define this macro.

#define WCOREDUMP(x) 0
juangiordana at gmail dot com 09-Jan-2011 04:04
Notice that the libevent requeriment has been dropped since php-5.3.4.

php at gigfa dot com 13-Aug-2010 10:27
An init startup script file can be found at :
after successful compilation.