Remember to use underscore "_" instead of any spaces when referencing time zones.
America/Adak | America/Anchorage | America/Anguilla | America/Antigua |
America/Araguaina | America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires | America/Argentina/Catamarca | America/Argentina/Cordoba |
America/Argentina/Jujuy | America/Argentina/La_Rioja | America/Argentina/Mendoza | America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos |
America/Argentina/Salta | America/Argentina/San_Juan | America/Argentina/San_Luis | America/Argentina/Tucuman |
America/Argentina/Ushuaia | America/Aruba | America/Asuncion | America/Atikokan |
America/Bahia | America/Bahia_Banderas | America/Barbados | America/Belem |
America/Belize | America/Blanc-Sablon | America/Boa_Vista | America/Bogota |
America/Boise | America/Cambridge_Bay | America/Campo_Grande | America/Cancun |
America/Caracas | America/Cayenne | America/Cayman | America/Chicago |
America/Chihuahua | America/Costa_Rica | America/Creston | America/Cuiaba |
America/Curacao | America/Danmarkshavn | America/Dawson | America/Dawson_Creek |
America/Denver | America/Detroit | America/Dominica | America/Edmonton |
America/Eirunepe | America/El_Salvador | America/Fort_Nelson | America/Fortaleza |
America/Glace_Bay | America/Godthab | America/Goose_Bay | America/Grand_Turk |
America/Grenada | America/Guadeloupe | America/Guatemala | America/Guayaquil |
America/Guyana | America/Halifax | America/Havana | America/Hermosillo |
America/Indiana/Indianapolis | America/Indiana/Knox | America/Indiana/Marengo | America/Indiana/Petersburg |
America/Indiana/Tell_City | America/Indiana/Vevay | America/Indiana/Vincennes | America/Indiana/Winamac |
America/Inuvik | America/Iqaluit | America/Jamaica | America/Juneau |
America/Kentucky/Louisville | America/Kentucky/Monticello | America/Kralendijk | America/La_Paz |
America/Lima | America/Los_Angeles | America/Lower_Princes | America/Maceio |
America/Managua | America/Manaus | America/Marigot | America/Martinique |
America/Matamoros | America/Mazatlan | America/Menominee | America/Merida |
America/Metlakatla | America/Mexico_City | America/Miquelon | America/Moncton |
America/Monterrey | America/Montevideo | America/Montserrat | America/Nassau |
America/New_York | America/Nipigon | America/Nome | America/Noronha |
America/North_Dakota/Beulah | America/North_Dakota/Center | America/North_Dakota/New_Salem | America/Ojinaga |
America/Panama | America/Pangnirtung | America/Paramaribo | America/Phoenix |
America/Port-au-Prince | America/Port_of_Spain | America/Porto_Velho | America/Puerto_Rico |
America/Punta_Arenas | America/Rainy_River | America/Rankin_Inlet | America/Recife |
America/Regina | America/Resolute | America/Rio_Branco | America/Santarem |
America/Santiago | America/Santo_Domingo | America/Sao_Paulo | America/Scoresbysund |
America/Sitka | America/St_Barthelemy | America/St_Johns | America/St_Kitts |
America/St_Lucia | America/St_Thomas | America/St_Vincent | America/Swift_Current |
America/Tegucigalpa | America/Thule | America/Thunder_Bay | America/Tijuana |
America/Toronto | America/Tortola | America/Vancouver | America/Whitehorse |
America/Winnipeg | America/Yakutat | America/Yellowknife |
Remember to use underscore "_" instead of any spaces when referencing time zones.
Since I just had to make up this list myself, here for posterity are the timezone mappings for Canada:
Newfoundland ...... America/St_Johns
Atlantic .......... America/Halifax
Atlantic no DST ... America/Blanc-Sablon
Eastern ........... America/Toronto
Eastern no DST .... America/Atikokan
Central ........... America/Winnipeg
Central no DST .... America/Regina
Mountain .......... America/Edmonton
Mountain no DST ... America/Creston
Pacific ........... America/Vancouver
For those reporting that timezone values above don't work, it may be due an older version of PHP.
>Please do not use any of the timezones listed here (besides UTC), they only exist for backward compatible reasons, and may expose erroneous behavior.
For example the value "US/Pacific" is no longer supported, but may be necessary for backwards compatibility reasons.
Further details, and the deprecated values are listed at the link above.
From the main timezones page (, you can arrive at the deprecated values page via the "Others" link.
I had been receiving the warning
PHP Warning: Unknown: Invalid date.timezone value '"America/Moncton"'.
When I set this, I had copied the 'America/Moncton' setting from a website, but copied the quotation marks, which were incorrect - the web site had < " and " >, instead of the proper < " >
Changing out my quotation marks fixed the issue
"KnowEnough..." reported that "America/Los Angeles" didn't work as a time zone in php.ini or as a parameter to date_default_timezone_set(). I, too, found that the time zone listed in the PHP documentation didn't work. I'm somewhere else in America, so I made a guess and used "US/Eastern" rather than "America/New York", as listed in the docs. It worked! If you use it in php.ini, you need to restart Apache.
It seems like the real parameter for the US is "US/timezone-name".
For Mexico (México):
Northwest --------- America/Tijuana
Pacific ----------- America/Mazatlan or America/Chihuahua
Central ----------- America/Mexico_City or America/Matamoros or America/Monterrey or America/Merida
South east -------- America/Cancun
I had an issue I feel pertinent to add to the conversation here in regard to running local testing servers with the likes of XAMPP.
Initially I noticed a variable I had $currentDay == date('l');
was returning the incorrect day as I tested my code which I hashed over thoroughly and found no visual errors. All the code seemed to be correct, except I was getting results from my query and var_dump($currentDay) using that variable that were for the following day as I typically work into the night. I then used "echo date_default_timezone_get();" to further test and compare the results.
I searched as "cjacunad at gmail dot com" had suggested in the php.ini file and low and behold, there was the issue. Running a localhost through PHPmyadmin(XAMPP) I found my date.timezone setting was indeed set to Germany/Berlin. I set it to the suggested setting for America/Los_Angeles first and had an error in phpinfo() file under the date.timezone setting. It had defaulted to UTC.
So I searched around a bit and found a working solution for my localhost php.ini file:
; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
date.timezone = "US/Pacific"
After saving and rebooting my localhost Apache server, the phpinfo(); file returned the proper setting for date.timezone. I then tested my code and found it to be working flawlessly.
I hope this helps anyone with similar issues I was facing with my localhost timezone setting.
Helpful tip for Brazilian coders in need of timezone information. Here follows the list of timezones used by each state (source:
$timezones = array(
'AC' => 'America/Rio_branco', 'AL' => 'America/Maceio',
'AP' => 'America/Belem', 'AM' => 'America/Manaus',
'BA' => 'America/Bahia', 'CE' => 'America/Fortaleza',
'DF' => 'America/Sao_Paulo', 'ES' => 'America/Sao_Paulo',
'GO' => 'America/Sao_Paulo', 'MA' => 'America/Fortaleza',
'MT' => 'America/Cuiaba', 'MS' => 'America/Campo_Grande',
'MG' => 'America/Sao_Paulo', 'PR' => 'America/Sao_Paulo',
'PB' => 'America/Fortaleza', 'PA' => 'America/Belem',
'PE' => 'America/Recife', 'PI' => 'America/Fortaleza',
'RJ' => 'America/Sao_Paulo', 'RN' => 'America/Fortaleza',
'RS' => 'America/Sao_Paulo', 'RO' => 'America/Porto_Velho',
'RR' => 'America/Boa_Vista', 'SC' => 'America/Sao_Paulo',
'SE' => 'America/Maceio', 'SP' => 'America/Sao_Paulo',
'TO' => 'America/Araguaia',
Mirai Densetsu is wrong by saying that "America/Sao_Paulo" timezone does not exist and should be changed to "America/Brasilia".
This list is based on "Time Zone Database", maintained by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). The location part of the name, accordingly to the naming convention, uses the "most populous city in a region to represent the entire time zone, although other cities may be selected if they are more widely known or result in a less ambiguous name".
It does not strictly consider local political divisions, because they are subject to change more than names of large cities.
This suggestion does not proceed.
At Brazil, note that the Brazilian official timezone is wrongly described as "America/Sao_Paulo", when it should be "America/Brasilia".
The Sao Paulo timezone does not exist, since this city follow the Brasilia official timezone (BRT or BRST).
[red. This note is incorrect. The argument that "America/Brasilia" is the correct one comes from the *wrong* assumption that the name of the timezone identifier is the capital of a country. That's incorrect. Timezone identifiers are named after the largest city (population wise) in a specific geographic area.]
For the United States:
Eastern ........... America/New_York
Central ........... America/Chicago
Mountain .......... America/Denver
Mountain no DST ... America/Phoenix
Pacific ........... America/Los_Angeles
Alaska ............ America/Anchorage
Hawaii ............ America/Adak
Hawaii no DST ..... Pacific/Honolulu
You can set a default time zone for your server from the configuration file (php.ini) at the line:
; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
date.timezone = America/New_York
Note that "America" means "the continents of North and South America, including the Caribbean islands". It does *not* mean "The United States Of America".
If you're looking for the Hawaii timezone, you'll find it in Pacific/Honolulu (not America/Honolulu).